How to reach the ijen crater from bali? Ubud Canggu Seminyak or Denpasar

before we talk about the ijen volcano 🌋, first we determine where we are, for example we are in ubud in the middle of bali,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐the first thing you should do is looking for taxi or online transport that may we meet around ubud or order through online application to ubung, remember ubung is not ubud, sounds the same name but forget the first discussion, 🆗ubung is the name of the terminal in the city of Denpasar,, from the bus ride to the gilimanuk cost approximately idr 65k for local bus with the consequence of this bus will stop every few minutes to take and drop the passengers, if you have no problem with the time, go ahead with this bus, but if you are in a hurry just take the second option of bus “patas bus” with cost approximately idr100k-125k to banyuwangi ,, so you do not have to buy a ticket for a ferry when you take this bus, because this bus is usually continued to surabaya.,., but remember your destination is ijen so you have to stop at the port ketapang, after arriving at ketapang immediately look for taxi meter or taxi online to the accommodation you have been prepared before, to stay overnight in banyuwangi city,we recommend take taxi meter because if you take public transportation and not good in bargain, the driver of transportation around ketapang will use you as fertile by way of raising the transport price from ketapang port to banyuwangi city its usual only idr50k / car will be idr50k /person,.for example if you are foreign tourists they will charge idr50k fee per person times five people (if you rhyme) means 50k times 5 = 250k,Imagine how much it is for a journey that it take just 30 minutes, so I recommend taxi meter, it’s better for you just idr 50k till your hotel on the Banyuwangi cityafter arriving in banyuwangi continue to ijen at night about 12 o’clock at night you can use the tour package or use a motorcycle that you can rent in banyuwangi and drive to paltuding more or less spend 1.5 hours after that you know what to do right ?✔️



Exciting sukamade Adventure Sensation,
Rocky steep streets will you feel along the way, when entering the area of merubetiri National Park. Entering the protected forest, the streets are dark in the forest trees filled with flora fauna is still complete into a very tense adrenaline.

Off-road or double-ax car becomes a mandatory option to explore the national park forest. Adventure no less tense when the car enters the river area, tourists will be invited down the river and cross it.

watching rare turtles lay their eggs
Sukamade beach is known as a part of conservation area since 1972. Being an area with Merubetiri National Park,

Sukamade Beach is an isolated and deserted area. It is a favorite place for turtles to spawn. Every night dozens of turtles are large from the Indian and pacific oceans anchored to this place to lay their eggs.

There are 4 species of six species of rare turtle in the world that lay their eggs along the coast at night until dawn

Watching the Turtle Paradise
july to november is the best season to enjoy turtle nesting. At night tourists will be invited to the coast to watch turtles lay their eggs. there are also conservation areas as well as semi-natural turtle nesting places. In the morning a variety of habitats will you meet in this place, which became a very exciting experience when tourists will be invited release the babies turtle into the sea.

interested.?? check sukamade tour price click HERE


Gambar terkait

New favorite destination
This is a new favorite destination in Banyuwangi. Red Island Beach is located about 80 km from downtown Banyuwangi.

The ground is red
The beach is located in Pesanggaran District with the main icon of a small green hill 200 meters high with red ground.

More beautiful than Kuta Beach
Often called more beautiful than Kuta Beach, Bali, Pulau Pulau Merah is a new favorite for tourists and beginner surfers


Hasil gambar untuk TABUHAN ISLAND

The charm of natural beauty

Located in North Banyuwangi, between Bali Island and Java Island, this uninhabited island offers the charm of natural beauty in a complete package of fine white sand, crystal clear sea water and charming sea life.

Kite surfing
The island is also famous to be a destination to play kite surfing (kite surfing) and wind surfing (wind surfing). The unimpeded sea plus wind speeds ranging from 20 to 30 knots constantly blowing throughout May to October makes the island very good for surfing and windsurfing.

Kite surf competition
On the island that has a beach area of about 5 hectares of this year held a competition of kite surfing and wind surfing the international level followed by surfers from dozens of countries

Alas purwo

alas purwoBanyuwangi Regency get the nickname The Sunrise of Java because it is located in the eastern tip of Java Island. Across from the island of Bali. Natural charm in Banyuwangi is not inferior to the islands sebrang and even this district more and more favored the traveler Indonesia

In addition to Ijen Crater is famous for its blue fire, Banyuwangi also have some other places that become dream destination among traveler

If you a traveler who likes to tourist attractions that are not mainstream, you can make Alas Purwo National Park  the object of exploration. This 434.20 km² national park has plenty of exciting places to explore

As a national park, Alas Purwo presents a very challenging wildlife charm. Exploring this national park will be an unforgettable experience. In Alas Purwo we can find some interesting places like the beach with a very natural condition, cave, to the savannas.

Here are few places that become tourism potential in Alas Purwo National Park

Savana Sadengan is a mainstay tourist attraction in the area of Alas Purwo National Park. Here we can see wild animals in their natural habitat. In the vicinity of Sadengan also provided a three-story viewing tower that allows us to observe the behavior of wild animals from above. There is also an inn located around the observation post that is reserved for those who want to do research

The wild animals we can see in Savana Sadengan include deer, bulls and wild pigs. As well as various types of birds. If you want to get suasasana and maximum scenery, it is advisable to come to this place in the morning between the hours of 6 to 9 or afternoon between the hour and four to five. In those hours the animals will usually gather and play


There is a beach in Banyuwangi which is very liked by the surfers because  has high waves and lined three layers. The beach is named Plengkung Beach or also known as G-Land. This beach is the best place in Banyuwangi for surfing

Plengkung Beach is not only famous among local surfers but also abroad. This beach even had several times made a place to held world level surf event. In addition to accessible from Banyuwangi, this beach can also be accessed from Bali using a speedboat

Trianggulasi beach

Trianggulasi Beach is a beautiful white sandy beach that we can visit around Alas Purwo National Park. The location of the beach that is not accessible makes it deserted from tourist visits. This quiet atmosphere makes this beach feel special and not mainstream. Especially for you who like to explore, Trianggulasi beach is a place that can be included in the list of the next cruise

With stunning white sand and a very clear sea water plus a very quiet atmosphere, being on this beach seemed to be in an unfamiliar place. But fun. Occasionally, some wild animals also appear on this beach. really Nature

pancur beach

Pancur Beach is another white sand beach located in Alas Purwo National Park area. This beach name is taken based on the existence of a river whose water flows to the shore forming a shower.

The atmosphere on the beach is not much different from other beaches in the area of Alas Purwo National Park. The atmosphere is natural with white sand and clear blue sea water. Around the beach there is a camping ground area commonly used for camping. About 2 km from the beach there is a pretty sacred cave namely Goa Istana and Sendang Srengenge



Sukamade beach in Banyuwangi is known as a place to watch turtle nesting activity. Apparently there is a similar beach in the area of Alas Purwo National Park is Ngagelan Beach. On this beach we can also see the turtles lay their eggs at night

There are about four types of turtles that often pull over on this beach to lay eggs namely turtles, hawksbill, leatherback turtles and green turtles. Besides being able to watch the turtles lay eggs we can also witness the process of release of turtle / turtle boys at Ngagelan Beach. The best time to watch turtles laying on Ngagelan Beach is between May – September

cungur beach

At Cungur Beach we can see various species of wild birds because this beach is the habitat of some birds. Not only local birds, at certain times we can also see various types of migratory birds who happened to be in Cungur Beach

The existence of birds on this beach often invite some researchers and photographers to watch closely the various species of birds as well as immortalize some photos. There are about 39 species of birds that live in Cungur Beach

bedul beach

Alas Purwo National Park has ecotourism area of mangrove forest which is quite famous namely Mangrove Forest Area Bedul. This mangrove forest is the largest in Java, so visiting this area will have its own sensation

There we toured the mangrove forest area by hiring a fishing boat. Development of tourism area in this area itself is the result of collaboration of Alas Purwo National Park with the people in Sumber Asri

hindu temple

In Alas Purwo National Park area there is an ancient temple building that is still actively used to perform traditional ceremonies of Hindus. Its location is in the entrance to the beach Trianggulasi. This temple at once became one of religious attractions in the area of Alas Purwo National Park

One of the Hindu ceremonies held in this temple is Pager Wesi. That is a sacred ceremony that is practiced every 210 days. The purpose of this ceremony is the salvific rescue of the threat of giant threats to mankind sent down by the gods. Building this temple itself is not much different from the temples that are often found in Bali. There are several statues wrapped with black plaid cloth white / Balinese cloth

interesting to visit ,.,.,?


Baluran national park


Baluran National Park is a conservation area that has the beauty and to the exotic panorama of nature. Located in Banyu putih Subdistrict, Situbondo Regency of East Java Province with a total area of ​​about 25,000 ha, of which 40% of the total area or about 10,000 Ha is the natural and largest savanna ecosystem in Java Island.

Many people call Baluran a miniature Indonesian forest because almost all forest types are found in Baluran National Park. Existing forest types include Coastal Forest, Mangrove Forest and Salted Rawa, Brackish Forest, Savana Prairies, Rainforest Mountains, Seasonal Forests, Seagrass and Coral Reefs.

In addition there were more than 444 species of flora belonging to 87 families including 24 species of exotic plants, 265 species of medicinal plants and 37 species are plants that live in mangrove ecosystems. Important species include: Pilang (Acacia leucophloea Wild ), Mimbo (Azadiracta indica A.Juss), Gate (Corypha utan Lamk), Asam (Tamara indica Linn), Kepuh (Sterculia foetida Wall), Widoro bukol (Zyziphus jujuba Lamk), Kesambi (Schleichera oleosa), Ketapang (Terminalia catappa Linn), Manting (Syzyqium polyanthum).

The diversity of fauna can be grouped into order of mammals (28 species), aves (189 species), pisces and reptiles. Of the known species are 47 species are animals that are protected by the insettivora 5 types, 5 species of carnivores, 4 species of herbivores, 32 species of birds and 1 species of reptiles. Major mammals typical of Baluran TN are bull (Bos javanicus), wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), deer (Cervus timorensis), deer (Mutiacus muntjak), wild boar (Sus scrova), leopard (Panthera pardus), stone cat ( Felis bengalensis), mangrove cat (Felis viverrina), and ajag (Cuon alpinus). Whereas for primate species are long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and monkeys (Trachypithecus auratus cristatus). From ± 189 bird species in TN Baluran species that are easy to find include green peacock (Pavo muticus), red jungle (Gallus gallus), green jungle fowl (Gallus varius), kangkareng (Anthracoceros convexus) and hornbill (Bucheros rhinoceros ).

Tourism Object :

Japanese Cave
Goa area of ​​± 12 is located at the entrance of Baluran National Park area, is a relic of history in the Japanese colonial era used as a fortress, and ammunition storage.

Savana Bekol as one of nature tourism object Baluran has wide ± 300 Ha from 10.000 Ha total savanna in Baluran which is the only expanse of savanna in Java Island, with Baluran Mountain background make visitors feel like in Africa. Is a habitat where various types of animals do their activities.

Bama Beach
Beach with white sand is located ± 3 km from SavanaBekol, and is surrounded by mangrove forests as the habitat of various species of birds and primates. In this place visitors can enjoy the beautiful sunrise and keraabu-abu attraction that is fishing using its tail on the beach in the morning.In addition to the terrestrial panorama, Bama Beach save the beauty of panoramic underwater panorama.Aneka coral reefs and ornamental fish can be found here.Pantai Bama visited during the school holiday season.

Pantai Bilik Sijile
It has a beautiful panorama, located to the north of the territorial waters of  Baluran. In addition to calm and clean of pollution, this beach will look typical at the time the water receded, because it will appear white sandy land shaped like a tongue, so called Sejile (Madurese language) which means tongue.

The natural exoticism, the vastness of savanna and wild life and the behavior of various species of animals, is a wonderful moment to be immortalized through the media of photography.

Animal Observation
A good time to observe the animals is in the morning and afternoon, where many animals are gathered in the savanna. This activity can also be done along the road from the entrance of the area to Bekol and Bama by walking or driving.

Snorkling Diving Canoing
The natural beauty of Baluran National Park is not only in the mainland area, the potential of the waters area is also the main attraction. Various types of coral and various types of fish can be enjoyed while bersnorkling and diving. Also available facilities for canoeing.


How to get beer in banyuwangi

beer2how to get beer in banyuwangi ? simple question for so many tourist but not many people knew the answer,  tourist who come to new city especialy comes to BANYUWANGI the city where mostly muslim live they are wondering  ,can y drink beer here ? how i get it? just like default question are always thought

the answer is “yes,.,.,. you able to drink beer here as much as you want” and how you get ? here is the link you can CLICK than folowing that map you will find it this store will be open at 09;00 till 21;00 ,if right there was already closed you can buy at this STORE it open 19;00 till 00;00


hike ijen crater ? think about these .,.,,.,…,.,.,..


Banyuwangi has now become one of the tourist destinations most sought by the traveler during the last few years.
The beauty of the crater, Baluran and especially a magnet which boosts the popularity of travel in Banyuwangi. As if not to be outdone by Bali or Yogyakarta,

local authorities also heavily promoting and various improvements to the facilities and tourism infrastructure, one of the most concern is the Mount Ijen.

Mount ijen

Have often heard that the blue flame of the favourite of Mount Ijen there are only two in the world,,

Well, mountain with an altitude of 2443 meters above sea level it has many other facts that you should know before the climb. Not only around the blue flame or sulfur crater ofcourse, there are other facts that are important for you to know who might be able to open your mind even further about Mount Ijen.

✔️>. Mount Ijen is an active volcano which is located in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. This volcano has erupted four times (1796, 1817, 1913, and 1936).

✔️>. There is a sulfur miner in this active volcano. Sulfur miner is the largest in Indonesia, which is managed under the authority of PT. candi Ngrimbi .

✔️>. Every day there are about 200 workers as porters passing brings chunks of sulfur to be hand carried.

✔️>. Sulfurs that has been collected will later be processed into a variety of products for daily necessities such as sugar whitener, cosmetics, tire retreading materials, lighters, skin ointments, as well as ingredients to make fertilizer.

✔️>. Do not be fooled, the term blue flame is not actual fire! It is a natural phenomenon, namely sulfur gas that comes out of the ground to meet with oxygen. This phenomenon is caused by the burning of sulfur gases in contact with air at temperatures above 360 degrees Celsius, which makes it look like a blue flame.

✔️>. The best time to see the blue flame is early in the morning until 12:00 in the morning. For the moment, the oxygen is very nice and looks perfect blue flame. After that time, you may not be able to find this rare phenomenon.

✔️>. The phenomenon of blue flames in the crater was first seen around the community in the 1950s.

✔️>. In 2012, the mountain had to be in standby status, who made the ascent is temporarily closed. In 2013 Mount Ijen back under normal circumstances.

✔️>. Caldera crater is the largest in the island of Java. caldera size reaches 20 kilometers. The size of the crater itself is around 960 meters x 600 meters with a depth of 200 meters. This crater is located at a depth of more than 300 meters below the caldera wall

✔️>. The crater lake is a lake of an acid high level of the widest in the world, has a very high level of acidity that is close to zero.

✔️>. Besides having a very high level of acidity that is capable of crater temperature reaches 200 degrees Celsius. Instead of nighttime cold temperatures to 7 degrees centigrade region.

✔️>. There are stalls in the parking lot of the tourist area of Mount Ijen selling wifi. Shop owner named Mrs. Im, take advantage of the fame of Ijen volcano in the eyes of users of social media, by offering this facility.

✔️>. Mount Ijen is not alone, because it is surrounded by other mountains, namely mountain Rante (2,664 meters above sea level), Mount roar (3332 masl), Suket mountain (3332 meters above sea level) and Mount Pendil (2950 masl). interested.,..?? click HERE for ijen bromo tour drop Surabaya 3d/2n


arung kanal

Festival held together – each in a different place, not discourage people to watch. Located 45 Km from the city center Banyuwangi, Arungkanal Decarative boat Saturday night 24/9 at padati enthusiast community since evening. That same night, a traditional music event titled Lalare Festival Orchestra is also packed with spectators. Banyuwangi government also provides special facilities for them that are not able to witness the second festival with live streaming. Live streaming is always presented on the website or social media accounts Youtube banyuwangikab each title Banyuwangi festival.

Named white water canal, river “wading” and channel “the river that divides the village in Bangorejo”. Arun Canal boat cruise along the river ornamental Sampeyan. Unlike regular boat festival decorative dilaksanakn Sea, this time held on the river. Traditions that are conducted every two years always received applause from the audience. Along the river sampeyan start the afternoon already lined ornamental audience to wait for the boat show of skill on the river.

Various skill performance worthy Boat Replica Original. Replica yacht, sailing ships, passenger ships, boats barges and ships Dewaruci appear enliven festival Whitewater Canal. various ornaments and accessories decorated with lights shining on the boat like a walking city.

Boats vary in size, from large, medium to small. Big boat has a length of 20-30 meters, the boat was 15-20 meters, 10-15 meters and small boats. The ships without these machines are participants Whitewater Canal Decorative Boat Festival held in the village Kebondalem, District Bangorejo, Banyuwangi.Kapal is done in a way citizens groups. Each group, someone deliberately create a new boat or just improve their existing boats. All that they are prepared independently.

Ornamental boat race is a community tradition Tanjungrejo Hamlet, Village Kebondalem that have been implemented since the late 1960s. This tradition originated from the race boat from banana trees for children to commemorate Indonesia’s independence. Moreover, this tradition is also a form of gratitude local communities over abundant harvests.

That said, the river water Sampean never diminished throughout the year. The water was always plentiful and clear. People there made use of river water for irrigation to irrigate their land. The result is satisfactory, lush plants so that people always obtain abundant harvests.

Arung kanal tradition lasted for two days, previously held ritual APEM Balang. This ritual first initiated by local custom seseuh. Mbah Tukiran 76, which up to now by the community elder Temurejo, Kebondalaem Village, District Bangorejo.

Apem itself is a cake made from a mixture of flour and coconut milk, cooked by the residents of the pillars of the citizens (RW). Apem number reached 3,000. After the cooked whole apem inserted into a large container and wrapped in plastic to be brought to the place of the event.

Balang own meaning in throwing, so at the reception by the public, especially young people or youth. Uniquely Balang apem was conducted by beautiful women dressed complete with kebaya. Balang apem before the procession began, the whole pie together Apem cone brought to the stage which is located across the river for prayer together led by local elders.

A total of 25 girls handsome village is already prepared, after they were allowed to throw apem into the audience across the river. The girl child we deliberately choose a beautiful and a virgin, they be dressed with style kebaya Jebeng Banyuwangi to attract the youth.